Monday, February 28, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is Infernape Lv X from the DP set. This card is a Fire type and has a max of 120HP which is normal for Lv X cards. First up is the ability, which is Burning Head. It says; Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top 3 cards of your deck, choose 1 of them, and put it into your hand. Discard the other 2 cards. This power can't be used if Infernape is affected by a Special Condition. This is a decent ability, it means you may look at the top 3 cards from your deck, choose 1 to keep in your hand, and then discard the other 2. However, you may not use this ability if Infernape is under another ability. For the attack, is Flare Up. It reads; Search your discard pile for 8 Fire energy cards, show them to your opponent, and shuffle them into your deck. (This attack does nothing if you don't have 8 Fire energy cards in your discard pile). This means in total you need 2 Fire energy cards plus 8 more from the discard pile to use the attack. If not, this does nothing. If so, it deals 150HP damage. High price to pay for a strong attack. Infernape Lv X is 3x weak against Water, with no resistance, and no retreat cost.

March 1st, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is Charizard G Lv X Promo! First this card is a fire type Pokemon and has a maximum of 120HP which isn't so bad. This card has 1 ability/status attack and 1 normal attack. The ability is Call for Power, which reads; As often as you like during your turn (before you attack), you may move an Energy attached to 1 of your Pokemon to Charizard G. This power can't be used if Charizard G is affected by a Special Condition. This means each turn you have while Charizard G is in play, you may attach another energy (Fire/Colourless) onto Charizard. But, if Charizard is under the influence of the opponent Pokemon's ability, than this one does not work. The attack on this card is Malevolent Fire, which requires 2 Fire, and 3 Colourless energy cards to use. It reads; Flip a coin. If tails, discard all energies attached to Charizard G. So this can either be bad or good. If you flip tails, all the current energies attached to Charizard have to be discarded from play, which is a bad thing since you need energies to attack. On the flip side, if you happen to get heads, this attack does a very nice damage of 150HP. This card is 2x weak against water, and 2x resistant to fighting type attacks. It also requires 3 colourless energies to retreat to the bench. Artwork: The use of the fire around Charizard is very good for dynamic effects. I love the 3D effect on the card to make it appear as if Charizard is popping out towards you. This is often caused by deep shadows and high contrast.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is Mudkip basic card from Supreme Victors. To start this card has a maximum of 60HP and is a water type Pokemon. It is 2x weak against grass +10, which brings it to 3x weak against it. The first attack on this card is Mud Sport, if you have played the game, this attack is used to weaken the intensity of Electricity attack power. But for this card, it reads: If Mudkip has less Energy attached to it than the Defending Pokemon, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. This means if Mudkip has say only 1 water energy attached to it, which is the requirement for this attack to perform, and the opponent's pokemon has 2 or 3 energies attached, this means Mud Sport will deal out 20HP damage instead of only 10. For the last attack on the card, it's Surf. On the game this attack is a strong water attack that will surely damage a fire or rock type pokemon. But, this attack requires 1 Normal, and 1 Water energy to use. Once this has been done, it deals 20HP damage. Overall not a bad card for a Basic pokemon, and that it's also one of the Starter pokemon. For the artwork, this is one of my favorite cards for the art on it. Very good use of dynamics in the shadowing and texture. Emphasis is huge in this picture, as the shadows, colours, shapes, and even lines point towards the little Mudkip. This is a very cute picture, and it always reminds me of Disney's Stitch.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is shiny Suicune promo from the Suicune 2009 tin. This card has 80HP maximum and is a water type. Suicune is 2x weak against water and has no resistances. This card requires 1 normal energy to retreat to the bench. For the attack; Sheer Cold. Many of you have seen this attack in the games. It is a One-hit KO attack if it hits. On the game it only has an accuracy of 30%, which is very low, and it only has 5PP, so you have a very low chance of hitting the opponent with this. For the card though, it reads; Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't attack during your opponent's next turn. This needs 2 water, and 1 normal (colourless) energy to use. This means you have a 50% chance of "disabling" the other Pokemon for 1 turn. Which isn't bad considering what this attack really does on games. Once done, it deals a decent 50HP damage. Artwork: I really love the work on this card, the Suicune is very elegant and graceful in appearance. This is of course done by the emphasis leading to the Pokemon itself, and the rays of colour blending in with this Pokemon. The colours are in contrast to each other, and the Blue and Greens actually make it seem as a more peaceful picture. 

Feb. 26th, 2011.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's Card of the Day is Lucario rare from Call of Legends. This is a stage 1 Pokemon with 90HP. It is 2x weak against psycic type attacks, with no resistances, and requires 1 normal energy to retreat. The first attack is Dimension Sphere, which needs 2 Normal energy cards to be attached to Lucario. Once done, details; Does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each of your Pokemon in the Lost Zone. This pretty much means it automatically deals 30HP damage, plus 20HP for every Pokemon that have been wiped out or fainted. The last attack is Sky Uppercut which requires 2 fighting energy, and 1 nomal energy to use. It reads; This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance. This means that if the opponent's Pokemon is resistant to fighting, it has no effect, giving this attack the full opportunity to hit them, which will deal 70HP damage. The artwork is very detailed, emphasized, and shows dynamics within the shadows. The colours definitely meld together perfectly to create a picture of Cold colours. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pokemon of the Day


Today's card of the day for PokeSis's 18th birthday (picked by her - Feb. 24th, 2011) is Chikorita from Neo Genesis 1st Edition! To start, this Chikorita card has 50HP and is a Basic Pokemon. Chikorita is 2x weak against fire, and has no resistance. The cost to retreat to the bench is 1 Normal energy. The first attack is Growl. Description: If the defending Pokemon attacks Chikorita during your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Chikorita is reduced by 10 (before applying weakness and resistance). (Benching or evolving either Pokemon ends this effect.) This means if your pokemon tries to deal a 30 damage attack to this Chikorita, 10 damage is taken off from that, so only 20HP damage is dealt. You also need to attach 1 Normal energy to Chikorita for this to work. The last attack is Razor Leaf, one of Chikorita's special attacks. This requires 1 Grass, and 1 Normal energy to be attached to Chikorita to use. Once done, this attack deals 20HP damage. Artwork: This picture shows emphasis as it pulls towards Chikorita in the image of course. There is an excellent use of harmony in the colours. The greens and browns really compliment each other and make the picture seem calm and relaxing. The proportion is also very good, as Chikorita is in the perfect place on the card. 

Happy Birthday PokeSis!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!

MAGNETON - DP: Stormfront set

Today's card is Magneton from DP Stormfront. This card is an Uncommon and comes in regular design and reverse holo design. This Magneton card is a Steel type, which is 2x weak against Fire and 2x resistant to Psycic. Magneton also requires just 1 Normal type energy card to retreat back to your bench. To start off with attacks, the first one is called Magnetic Resonance. This attack requires 2 Normal energies attached to Magneton in order to use. Details are: If you have a Stadium card in play, this attack does 20 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon (Don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon.) This pretty much means if you played a Stadium card and have Magneton in play, you cause 20HP damage to 2 of the opponent's benched pokemon, however, this ignores weaknesses and resistants, so it always takes off 20HP, no more, no less. If you don't have a Stadium card in play, this attack just does 20HP to the current Pokemon in play on the opponent's side. I believe the Stadium card effect actually hits the active Pokemon plus the 2 benched, which isn't too bad of an attack. The last attack is Magnetic Release. This attack requires 2 Normal energy, and 1 Electric energy card to be attached to Magneton to use it. The details: Does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy attached to the defending pokemon. This is a very nice attack. Let's say you're the opponent, and I use this attack. If your pokemon active has 5 energies attached to it, Magneton's attack does 40HP automatically, plus another 50HP on top for all the energies in play. Very nice attack overall and helpful. 
Artwork: Once again we see emphasis in this card, which draws us to the Pokemon in the picture. We also see movement, which is from the lines in the background pulling your eye towards the center of the image. There is definitely harmony in this, such that the colours are very close to each other in contrast and help make the image flow. Proportion is great, the size of each Magneton head is equal in size to each other, which is always important in a work of art.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is Gyarados from the original Base Set 1. This card is a rare and came as the promo card for the Overgrowth theme deck which consisted of Water and Grass Pokemon which was released in 2000. Gyarados from Base Set 1 is a Stage 1 card, which means it has evolved one time to the second stage in the chain. The Pokemon has 100HP and is water type of course. For its first attack, it is Dragon Rage. This attack requires 3 water energies to be attached to Gyarados in order to use this attack. Once done, this attack deals 50HP to the opponent's active Pokemon. The 2nd attack on this card is Bubblebeam, which is a simple attack on the electronic games, but on this card, it also has a 50% chance of causing paralysis. The description says: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. You need to attach 4 water energies to Gyarados to use this attack. It will do 40HP damage to the defending Pokemon, plus a 50% of paralyzing it as well. Gyarados is 2x weak against grass, but is 3x resistant to fighting type moves. The retreat cost is 3 normal energies. This card is special as it also included a small bit of information about Gyarados at the bottom. It says: Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage. It is Lv 41 on this card. 
Artwork: The artwork definitely shows emphasis, harmony, and balance. The emphasis would be your eye drawn to the Pokemon itself, as always. The harmony is the blending and contrast of the colors used within the background. Finally for balance, the colour and the image of a water Pokemon fit hand-in-hand, as in they compliment one another.

This is for February 22nd, 2011.

Pokemon Card of the Day!


For this big-bad-card, I'll of course start with its rarity. It is a promo card found by purchasing/opening a Rayquaza themed tin from the 2007 tins that came out. This card is a Lv X which means if you place it on top of a regular Rayquaza card, it will level up that card, plus you may use any of the attacks or abilities on BOTH cards. The HP is 120 which isn't too bad. The ability for this card is Dragon Spirit; If Rayquaza C is your Active Pokemon and is damaged but not Knocked Out by an opponent's attack, you may search your discard pile for an Energy card and attack it to Rayquaza C. This pretty much means you can place a used Energy back onto Rayquaza C Lv X to use. This card is also Normal type, but the Normal also takes place for Dragon types. For the attack, it only has one but is very powerful. You need to discard 1 water, 1 psycic, 1 fighting, and 1 normal energy card in order to use this attack, which is called Final Blowup. It says, Discard all Energy attached to Rayquaza C. Ignore this effect if you have no cards in your hand. This means in order to use it, you have to sacrifice all energy cards you currently have attached to Rayquaza plus the ones needed to use this attack. If you do not have any Energies in your hand, but the required Energies are attached to Rayquaza, this attack is still used and will deal 200HP damage to the opponent's currently Active Pokemon. This card's weakness is 2x Normal or Dragon since Rayquaza is part Dragon type. It is resisted to Fighting by 2x, and requires 3 Normal energy cards to retreat back into your bench.
Artwork: The art on this card is designed by computer technology. In such, it has a 3D effect and tries to 'jump' out at you while creating an effect to make you think "This is a mean Pokemon." All aside, this card shows deep emphasis, dynamics in the shadows and how it has that 'pop-out' effect. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


To start off, this card is a promo card found in the Meganium theme tin from the 2009 spring editions. This card is of course a rare, and one of 29 prime cards released. This card is a Stage 2 Pokemon, which means it has evolved to it's final form, and can be used to place on top of a Bayleef card to evolve it into Meganium during play. With a HP maximum of 150, this card is powerful. All prime cards have much stronger attacks and abilities that other cards do not have. This is why you are only allowed one prime card in your deck at any time. Meganium prime's ability is Leaf Trans, what this does is it lets you place Grass energy cards on any of your other grass pokemon before you attack the opponent. You may do this as much as you want before the attack. However, if Meganium is being effected by another ability, this one has no effect. For the attack on this card, it is the classic Solar Beam. You need to discard 2 Grass energy, and 2 Normal energy cards in order to use this attack. It's 100% accurate every time being as it has no conditions or anything else, and it deals 80HP damage to the defending Pokemon. Meganium is 2x weak against fire since it's a grass type, and is 2x resistant to water type attacks. The retreat cost to call this Pokemon back is 2 Normal energies. Getting on to the artwork now. The image shows a lot of dynamics and emphasis in that the Meganium seems to be ripping out of the center of the card, which is brought by deep shadows and light spots of colour in the opposite direction. The artist wants the viewer to see Meganium and think "Wow, powerful Pokemon!" which is easily captured by this card. 

Stay tuned tomorrow for a NEW card review!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!

Dragonite FB from Supreme Victors

To start, the rarity of this card is an Uncommon. The attacks are quite powerful if used effectively. Dragonite FB is Lv. 50 and has 100HP. Since it is a Dragon type, the symbol for this card is actually the normal energy sign. It's weakness is simply Dragon type which is also shown as the normal energy symbol. To start off the attacks: Mach Blow. This attack requires 3 normal energy cards to be attached to Dragonite in order to be used. The attack detail says; If the defending Pokemon is a Pokemon SP which means a gym leader pokemon, elite 4 pokemon, or a frontier pokemon, this attack's base damage is 80 intead of 20. This means if the other pokemon say is also a FB pokemon, this attack deals 80 damage instead of 20. This is a great attack being as most FB, G, or E4 pokemon are strong in attacks and HP. The next attack is Giant Tail, this requires 4 normal energy cards attached to Dragonite to be used. The detail for this attack is; Flip a coin, if tails, this attack does nothing. However, this isn't completely useless, as I said these cards tend to be strong in some way, so if you flip a heads, this attack will deal 100 damage to the opponent's Pokemon and possibly knock it out. Other info for this card is the resistance which is Fighting -20, this means Dragonite is 2x resistant to any Fighting type attacks, so don't expect them to do much damage, if any. The retreat cost, which simply means to change Pokemon in your party, is 3 normal energy cards. 
Artwork: For the artwork on this card, it's very strong in terms of the design techniques. First there is strong emphasis which pulls the eye towards Dragonite, of course being the object of the card. Then as you look around the picture, you can see lines that seem to push and pull towards Dragonite, as if they are pointing the Pokemon out to you. This is done to create a strong dimensional effect with the image. The colours and shadowing are also very strong as you look further towards the bottom of the picture, this simply shows the viewer where the light source is coming from.

Hope you all enjoyed this very 1st Pokemon Card of the Day, and stay tuned for more!
Shoutout to Themcfargy, who is a Dragonite fanatic, hope you have fun collecting Dragonite items!

Friday, February 18, 2011





Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pokemon Of The Day!

We apologize but due to limited time from schooling and other matters, POTD will be postponed for a little while. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience to anyone!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pokemon Of The Day!

Pokemon of the Day for Feb. 15th, 2011 is:


Regular FormShiny FormDex Number:
FootprintBody StyleCryAnime Cry
Gender Ratio:
Male: 50%Female: 50%
Imperial: 6ft 3inMetric: 1.9m
Imperial: 209.4lbsMetric: 95.0kg
Evolution Line:



Items Held:
DPP (Wild)Haban Berry 5%-
HGSS (Wild)Haban Berry 5%-
Pokedex Entries:
DiamondWhen it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed.
PearlIt flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape.
PlatinumIt is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees.
HeartGoldIts body is covered in fine scales that reduce drag, enabling it to fly at high speeds.
Type and Ability InformationAll | BW | DPP and HGSS
BW Type Information (By Type):
BW Type Information (By Effect):
Dragon (x2)
Ice (x4)
Fire (x0.5)
Poison (x0.5)
Rock (x0.5)
Electric (x0)
BW Abilities:
BWSand Veil:
If active while Sandstorm is in effect, this Pokemon's Evasion receives a 20% boost; if this Pokemon has a typing that would normally take damage from Sandstorm, this Pokemon is also immune to Sandstorm's damage.
[Field Action] If this Pokemon is in the lead spot, the rate of wild Pokemon battles during a Sandstorm is halved.
Dream WorldRough Skin:
Causes recoil damage equal to 1/16 of the opponent's max HP if an opponent directly attacks.