Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is a very special one, it is the full Lugia Legend card. To start, this card is water type and has 130HP. The ability on this card is Ocean Grow; Once during your turn, when you put Lugia Legend into play, you may look at the top 5 cards of your deck and attach all Energy cards you find there to Lugia Legend. Discard the other cards. This is pretty simple to understand, you look at the 5 cards at the top of your deck, and any energy cards you find, you may attach them to Lugia Legend, even if it's colourless, steel, dark, or fighting. The attack is Elemental Blast, which requires 1 fire, water, and electric energy card to use. It reads; Discard a Fire energy, Water energy, and Electric energy attached to Lugia Legend. Once this is done, this attack deals a huge 200HP damage. Lugia Legend is 2x weak against Electric types, and 2x resistant to Fighting types, with a retreat cost of 1 colourless energy. Something I pointed out on 2 of the bottom halves that I own, in the description on the bottom left side, they misspelled the word "It" in the beginning of the sentence. They accidentally put in 2 I's instead of 1. So it says; IIt is said to be the guardian of the seas. Pretty cool discovery eh? So if you have the bottom half, look for this mistake and comment below if yours also as the mistake. 
Artwork: 9.5/10
Strength: 9/10

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