Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day, in celebration of the new release of B&W is Ho-oh full legend card. To start, this card is Fire type and has 140HP. For the ability, it's Sacred Rainbow; All energy attached to Ho-oh Legend are Fire energy instead of their usual type. This means even if you have let's say 2 colourless energy, and 2 electric energies attached, they all become Fire energies. The attack is called Bright Wing, which requires 4 Fire energy cards to be attached to use. It reads; Discard an Energy attached to Ho-Oh. This means you must sacrifice 4 Fire energies, and discard one more to use this attack. Once done, you will deal 100HP damage to the opponent. This card is 2x weak against water, 2x resistant to fighting, and needs 2 colourless energies to retreat.
Artwork: 9.5/10
Strength: 8/10

Hope everyone getting Black or White tomorrow enjoys the game, and Good Luck in all your Pokemon adventures! 

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