Monday, February 28, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is Charizard G Lv X Promo! First this card is a fire type Pokemon and has a maximum of 120HP which isn't so bad. This card has 1 ability/status attack and 1 normal attack. The ability is Call for Power, which reads; As often as you like during your turn (before you attack), you may move an Energy attached to 1 of your Pokemon to Charizard G. This power can't be used if Charizard G is affected by a Special Condition. This means each turn you have while Charizard G is in play, you may attach another energy (Fire/Colourless) onto Charizard. But, if Charizard is under the influence of the opponent Pokemon's ability, than this one does not work. The attack on this card is Malevolent Fire, which requires 2 Fire, and 3 Colourless energy cards to use. It reads; Flip a coin. If tails, discard all energies attached to Charizard G. So this can either be bad or good. If you flip tails, all the current energies attached to Charizard have to be discarded from play, which is a bad thing since you need energies to attack. On the flip side, if you happen to get heads, this attack does a very nice damage of 150HP. This card is 2x weak against water, and 2x resistant to fighting type attacks. It also requires 3 colourless energies to retreat to the bench. Artwork: The use of the fire around Charizard is very good for dynamic effects. I love the 3D effect on the card to make it appear as if Charizard is popping out towards you. This is often caused by deep shadows and high contrast.

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