Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!

MAGNETON - DP: Stormfront set

Today's card is Magneton from DP Stormfront. This card is an Uncommon and comes in regular design and reverse holo design. This Magneton card is a Steel type, which is 2x weak against Fire and 2x resistant to Psycic. Magneton also requires just 1 Normal type energy card to retreat back to your bench. To start off with attacks, the first one is called Magnetic Resonance. This attack requires 2 Normal energies attached to Magneton in order to use. Details are: If you have a Stadium card in play, this attack does 20 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon (Don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon.) This pretty much means if you played a Stadium card and have Magneton in play, you cause 20HP damage to 2 of the opponent's benched pokemon, however, this ignores weaknesses and resistants, so it always takes off 20HP, no more, no less. If you don't have a Stadium card in play, this attack just does 20HP to the current Pokemon in play on the opponent's side. I believe the Stadium card effect actually hits the active Pokemon plus the 2 benched, which isn't too bad of an attack. The last attack is Magnetic Release. This attack requires 2 Normal energy, and 1 Electric energy card to be attached to Magneton to use it. The details: Does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy attached to the defending pokemon. This is a very nice attack. Let's say you're the opponent, and I use this attack. If your pokemon active has 5 energies attached to it, Magneton's attack does 40HP automatically, plus another 50HP on top for all the energies in play. Very nice attack overall and helpful. 
Artwork: Once again we see emphasis in this card, which draws us to the Pokemon in the picture. We also see movement, which is from the lines in the background pulling your eye towards the center of the image. There is definitely harmony in this, such that the colours are very close to each other in contrast and help make the image flow. Proportion is great, the size of each Magneton head is equal in size to each other, which is always important in a work of art.


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