Monday, February 21, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is Gyarados from the original Base Set 1. This card is a rare and came as the promo card for the Overgrowth theme deck which consisted of Water and Grass Pokemon which was released in 2000. Gyarados from Base Set 1 is a Stage 1 card, which means it has evolved one time to the second stage in the chain. The Pokemon has 100HP and is water type of course. For its first attack, it is Dragon Rage. This attack requires 3 water energies to be attached to Gyarados in order to use this attack. Once done, this attack deals 50HP to the opponent's active Pokemon. The 2nd attack on this card is Bubblebeam, which is a simple attack on the electronic games, but on this card, it also has a 50% chance of causing paralysis. The description says: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. You need to attach 4 water energies to Gyarados to use this attack. It will do 40HP damage to the defending Pokemon, plus a 50% of paralyzing it as well. Gyarados is 2x weak against grass, but is 3x resistant to fighting type moves. The retreat cost is 3 normal energies. This card is special as it also included a small bit of information about Gyarados at the bottom. It says: Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage. It is Lv 41 on this card. 
Artwork: The artwork definitely shows emphasis, harmony, and balance. The emphasis would be your eye drawn to the Pokemon itself, as always. The harmony is the blending and contrast of the colors used within the background. Finally for balance, the colour and the image of a water Pokemon fit hand-in-hand, as in they compliment one another.

This is for February 22nd, 2011.

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