Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is shiny Suicune promo from the Suicune 2009 tin. This card has 80HP maximum and is a water type. Suicune is 2x weak against water and has no resistances. This card requires 1 normal energy to retreat to the bench. For the attack; Sheer Cold. Many of you have seen this attack in the games. It is a One-hit KO attack if it hits. On the game it only has an accuracy of 30%, which is very low, and it only has 5PP, so you have a very low chance of hitting the opponent with this. For the card though, it reads; Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't attack during your opponent's next turn. This needs 2 water, and 1 normal (colourless) energy to use. This means you have a 50% chance of "disabling" the other Pokemon for 1 turn. Which isn't bad considering what this attack really does on games. Once done, it deals a decent 50HP damage. Artwork: I really love the work on this card, the Suicune is very elegant and graceful in appearance. This is of course done by the emphasis leading to the Pokemon itself, and the rays of colour blending in with this Pokemon. The colours are in contrast to each other, and the Blue and Greens actually make it seem as a more peaceful picture. 

Feb. 26th, 2011.

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