Friday, April 15, 2011



Hello everyone who is a fan of PokeSibz! 

I, PokeSis, am here to introduce to everyone something new I've begun to do and decided to try out. I have been starting to make little stuffed smiley face plush toys to sell and possibly give away. They are more for decoration and to keep as a little gift souvenir from me to you. I will post terms of sales and other fine and dandy stuff in a moment but first, the available colours!

- Light Blue
- Orange
- White
- Black
- Light/Dark Brown
- Purple
- Red

*All colours are currently limited as I have a small supply of fabric, but will add many more colour variations as I get more materials.

Pricing: Now being as each piece of fabric costs 0.75$ here, NOT including thread prices for whole spools (which can be anywhere from 1$-5$), and since some colours are worth more than others, I think it's fair to price each Stuff-Puff at 2$ each, or 1.50$ each if you order 3 or more. 

Shipping & Sales: Shipping is free, but I do not have paypal yet so the money has to be sent by mail in an envelope. Once I recieve the payment, I will ship out the Stuff-Puff to your address. **PLEASE PRINT YOUR ADDRESS NEATLY AND CLEARLY IF YOU SEND ME A MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, TWITTER, OR BLOGGER**

*As I make more of these, I may introduce new lines of Stuff-Puffs with new shapes and designs.

To order: Please send PokeSis a message on YOUTUBE stating the following:

- Name
- Address
- Colour variation you want your Stuff-Puff to be (ex. Red body w/blue eyes & mouth)
- Shape (when applicable, coming soon!)

Terms of Sales: I will only ship Stuff-Puffs currently to anyone in Canada or USA, being as it gets more costly to ship further. You may ask for a customized Stuff-Puff which will be no extra cost to you. Each Stuff-Puff is 2$, no tax, and payment MUST be received before shipment. This ensures there is no scam. 

Payment: I accept Canadian & American currency. With this, the price is still 2$ for both currencies, so it's easy on everyone. If you wish to convert your US money to Canadian before sending the payment, you may do so, but it is not required.

There will be a picture below showing a few of my current incomplete Stuff-Puffs showing colour variants, and 2 complete ones to show the finished product.

Any Questions? Send them in to PokeSis on Youtube -> Username: PokeSibz

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