Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's Card of the Day is Rayquaza SL10 from Call of Legends. It is a Normal type with 100HP. It's attack is Inferno Spear which needs 2 fire, and 2 electric energies to use. Discard a fire Energy and a electric Energy attached to Rayquaza. So, this attack does 100HP damage, and you have to discard 2 extra energies to get this attack to work. Not bad, very nice for a single attack. Rayquaza is 2x weak to Normal type (Dragon type in the game, but they express it as a Normal type), 2x weak to fighting, and needs 2 Normal energies to retreat to the bench.
Artwork: 8/10 - Love the colours and how Rayquaza is black as shiny
Strength: 8/10 - Awesome attack

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