Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's card of the day is Shiny Ho-oh from Call of Legends. It is fire type and has 100HP. It's first attack is Combustion, which requires 2 colourless, and 1 fire energy to use, to deal 50HP damage. The 2nd attack is Scorching Wing, which calls for 3 fire, and 2 colourless energies. It says; Flip a coin. If tails, discard all fire energy attached to Ho-Oh. So this attack does 100HP no matter what you flip, but if you get tails, you have to discard all of Ho-Oh's fire energies currently attached, which could hurt you later on. This card is 2x weak against Water, 2x resistant to Fighting, and needs 3 colourless energies to retreat. Not a bad card over all. It is worth around 20$ online.
Artwork: 9/10 - nice use of colour
Strength: 8/10 - very good for a regular card (non-Lv X, Prime, or ex)

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