Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day!


Today's Card of the day is Giratina from Platinum set. This card has 110HP and is Psycic type. The first attack is Dragon Claw which requires 2 colourless energies to use. Once done, this does 30HP damage to the opponent. The second attack on this card is Dragonbreath, which requires 2 Psycic energy, and 1 colourless energy to use. It reads; Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. So this attack can swing 2 ways. If you get tails, this attack does no damage at all, as if you missed. But with heads, this attack does 80HP damage, plus it paralyzes the opposing Pokemon. Giratina is 3x weak against Dark types, and 2x resistant to colourless types, and takes 2 colourless energies to retreat. 
I will rate this card for Artwork, and Strength - as in if this card is strong to use in battle.
Artwork: 8/10
Strength: 7/10

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